
Striving to preserve the coast of Mumbai

Vanashakti's coastal division, Sagarshakti, embarked on a crucial mission to safeguard the intertidal rocky shore from Princess Street to Worli amidst the Coastal Road project's ambitious reclamation plans. By conducting a biodiversity shore-walk at Worli, 36 species, including the precious corals and gorgonians protected under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act.Armed with irrefutable evidence of the area's rich biodiversity and ecological significance, Vanashakti intervened on wildlife protection and biodiversity grounds, sparking a legal battle to halt the project's progression. Their relentless advocacy bore fruit when the High Court, in April 2019, nullified the CRZ clearance and effectively stalled the project's execution.

Undeterred by challenges, Vanashakti's commitment to environmental preservation propelled the matter to the Supreme Court, where they steadfastly upheld their stance against the Coastal Road project's adverse impacts. Despite opposition, the Honourable Court stood firm, refusing to lift the stay on the Coastal Road CRZ clearance, underscoring the paramount importance of protecting our natural ecosystems.

The success of this endeavor underscores the critical role of grassroots activism and legal advocacy in safeguarding our precious coastal habitats. Vanashakti's unwavering dedication to upholding biodiversity and livelihoods sets a powerful precedent for environmental protection in the face of unsustainable development projects.