
Conservation of ecology - Aronda village

The serene waters of the Kiranpani Creek, known as the Aronda Creek, once faced an uncertain future when a private developer encroached upon its shores, erecting a barrier that restricted access for fishermen and villagers alike. This infringement threatened not only the livelihoods of local communities but also the ecological balance of the region.

In response, Vanashakti took decisive action by filing a petition challenging the authorization of the village as a port for importing hazardous coal. Their efforts culminated in a landmark ruling by the Hon'ble NGT, ordering the removal of the obstructive wall. This pivotal decision restored access to the waterfront for fishermen to resume their activities and for villagers to partake in their cherished rituals.

Moreover, the removal of the barrier opened up the Aronda Creek to tourists, allowing them to revel in the beauty of this natural wonder while ensuring the protection of its delicate marine ecology. Through Vanashakti's unwavering dedication and legal advocacy, the Aronda Jetty stands as a beacon of community empowerment and environmental stewardship, safeguarding the invaluable resources of Maharashtra's coastal regions for generations to come.