
About Us

About Vanashakti

Words about

Welcome to the green world of Vanashakti. We are a non-profit NGO deeply committed to the cause of environmental conservation - which has become one of the most existential challenges the world is facing. Soaring temperatures, melting ice caps, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, monster wild fires and other extreme weather events are threatening the very survival of Earth. The destructive effects of climate change have become a harrowing reality. The world is running out of time. The survival of the planet depends solely on what mankind will do to protect its natural heritage and whether it will use its limited resources wisely.

Vanashakti’s journey started in 2007, long before climate change had become a buzzword and the subject of international debate and controversy. A group of ordinary citizens, deeply concerned with the environmental degradation they saw around them, founded Vanashakti, based on their steadfast belief that it is our constitutional duty to protect the environment. Each of us has been entrusted with the responsibility of preserving our planet for future generations, ensuring its continued beauty and value.

Recognizing the inextricable link between human welfare and the conservation of nature, Vanashakti has worked tirelessly to protect forests, mangroves, wetlands, wildlife habitats and coastal belts.

Determined to raise awareness of the critical role that each individual plays in the world around them, especially youth who will inherit these daunting challenges, Vanashakti has been active in promoting environmental education in both urban and rural schools. It also conducts scientific investigations into local environmental degradation issues.

Simultaneously, Vanashakti works at the grass roots level to create initiatives to support the livelihoods of forest-based communities. And it carries on a relentless battle to transform policy and has been a champion of legal advocacy, initiating many Public Interest Litigations (PIL) to shed light on issues that are often overlooked in the intricate web of interrelationships that govern decision making.

Our mission is to instil a sense of personal and collective responsibility for safeguarding our natural wealth. We firmly believe that by empowering individuals who are informed, aware, and proactive, through collaborative efforts, we can bring about both immediate and enduring positive change. Join us in our journey to protect and preserve our world - for all our sakes. Before the clock runs out.


our journey

In our pursuit of to fulfil India's aspirations of becoming a developed nation, we often overlook our impact on the world and those who share it with us. But there are moments that ignite our spirits and inspire us to break free from this indifference and focus on what truly matters. It was during one such moment that a group of friends found the courage to make a difference, setting the stage for the birth of Vanashakti.

In August 2007, the UPA-I introduced the Forest Rights Bill with the noble intention of empowering traditional forest dwellers. However, it soon became clear that those who claimed to support the marginalized were manipulating this legislation, resulting in the unprecedented exploitation of forest land. As a consequence, India's precious forests, a vital natural resource, were gradually disappearing. It was at this critical juncture that three individuals, supported by their friends and families, decided to take action, and Vanashakti emerged.


Today, we have made significant progress, gaining a deeper understanding of the urgent and intricate challenges related to forest conservation. Time is running out for India's forests, and we believe that collective action is imperative. The responsibility to preserve and safeguard our planet's resources is not the duty of a select few but rather a shared obligation that binds us all.

 At Vanashakti, we hold the belief that there are only two types of people in the world: those who do and those who don’t. We are dedicated to ‘doing’- to making a real, measurable difference - through our daily, grass roots actions. Through consistent, ground level initiatives in crucial areas. Through identifying areas of vital concern and pro-actively responding to the challenges confronting us. Because, at Vanashakti, we believe that it is only through the dedicated actions of responsible individuals, people who make it their mission to find meaningful, practical solutions, that we can achieve victory in our battle against climate change and transform our world.



the Environment

To protect the last remaining fragments of biodiversity in the Indian landscape by demonstrating the critical link between ecosystems and human welfare through Communication, Community Building and Projects.

Outreach & Drives
Environmental Education