Coastal Cleanups

Project Statement

Vanashakti addresses the pressing issue of marine litter by cleaning up our coasts through organised regular beach clean-ups. It not only removes existing marine litter in its battle against the ever-present build-up of debris along the coastline but also focuses on identifying the sources of marine pollution to prevent repeated accumulation of waste. Frequent engagement has mobilised enthusiastic participation from the community and made a tangible impact on the cleanliness of our coastline

Project Intervention

To make our project successful, we rely on volunteers. We plan and organize beach clean-ups or mangrove cleanups at least two to three times every month to ensure that many people can get involved. This regular engagement helps to keep up the momentum, involve the community continuously, and have a maximum impact together. Students, employees from companies, and citizens who care about the environment all join hands with the coastal community to restore the delicate balance in the marine environment.

Project Outcome

Our project has been successful in mobilizing our target groups and getting enthusiastic participation from volunteers, including individuals from different companies. The frequent beach cleanups have allowed us to be consistently present and make a noticeable difference in the cleanliness of our coastlines. Through these efforts, we have not only made people aware of the harmful effects of marine litter but also instilled a sense of responsibility and ownership among the participants.

Looking ahead, our project aims to keep up this positive momentum, reach more people, and explore new ways to reduce litter in our coastal environments. This will also benefit the livelihoods of the coastal communities that depend on these areas for fishing and related activities.

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