Mining Free Wildlife Corridors

Project Statement

Vanashakti fought back against a proposal to give mining permissions in a crucial wildlife corridor passing through the biodiversity hot spot of the Western Ghats. Vanashakti helped compile a comprehensive database highlighting the ecological sensitivity of the area and used the evidence to file petitions and actively mobilise public support. As a result, the Honourable High Court of Bombay ordered a complete ban on tree felling in the area, protecting the existing green cover and wildlife habitat. The State Government officially recognised the environmental concerns raised and was directed by the Court to submit the final proposal for declaring the area an Eco-Sensitive Area (ESA), which imposes restrictions on mining.

Project Intervention

Campaign Advocacy: The Vanashakti NGO plays a pivotal role in advocating for the protection of the Western Ghats in Sindhudurg. The NGO raises awareness about the environmental impact of mining activities and mobilises public support through campaigns and outreach.

Legal Intervention: Vanashakti NGO actively engages in legal proceedings, filing petitions and presenting evidence to support the case against mining in the wildlife corridor. The NGO's efforts contributed to obtaining the High Court ban on tree felling and the subsequent acknowledgment by the state government.

Environmental Documentation: The NGO collaborates with environmental experts to compile comprehensive documentation highlighting the ecological sensitivity of the area. This information is crucial in presenting a strong case before the court and influencing the decision to declare the region an Eco-Sensitive Area.

Media Collaboration: Vanashakti collaborates with the media to ensure extensive coverage of the campaign. This media exposure not only brings public attention to the issue but also adds pressure on the authorities to address the environmental concerns raised by the NGO.

In summary, the collective efforts of Vanashakti NGO, legal interventions, public awareness campaigns, and media coverage contribute to the positive outcomes of obtaining a court-ordered ban on tree felling, state government acknowledgment, and the directive to submit a proposal for declaring the area an Eco-Sensitive Area.

Project Outcome

High Court Ban on Tree Felling:

Achievement: The Honourable High Court of Bombay orders a complete ban on tree felling in two talukas, namely Sawantwadi and Dodamarg.

Significance: This decision serves as a crucial step in preventing further environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity in the region. The ban on tree felling protects existing green cover and wildlife habitat.

State Government Acknowledgment and Media Coverage:

Achievement: The state government files its reply, admitting that the area is ecologically sensitive and that the case is being heard.

Significance: The acknowledgement by the state government indicates a recognition of the environmental concerns raised by the proposed mining activities. Media coverage plays a vital role in raising public awareness and garnering support for the campaign against mining in the Western Ghats.

Court Directive for Eco-Sensitive Area (ESA) Proposal:

Achievement: The court directs the state government to submit the final proposal for declaring the area an Eco-Sensitive Area (ESA).

Significance: This directive reflects a significant legal step towards officially recognising and protecting the ecological sensitivity of the Western Ghats in Sindhudurg. An Eco-Sensitive Area designation would impose restrictions on certain activities to preserve the environment and biodiversity.

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